Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Your Purple Heart Car Donation - Where It Goes?

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Do you know about - Your Purple Heart Car Donation - Where It Goes?

Veterans Donations! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Your car donation to the troops Order of The Purple Heart Foundation contributes to helping the causes of veterans, their dependents or heirs. An assosication chartered by Congress, the Order has been helping war veterans and their beneficiaries in the last 70 years in so many ways. It has also been representing and lobbying the causes and interests of war veterans in government and in congress.

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How is Your Purple Heart Car Donation - Where It Goes?

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Veterans Donations.

The Purple Heart Foundation raises funds for the service, welfare and restoration not only of its members (mostly war veterans that have been awarded the Purple Heart medal) but also of those mighty non-members or any wounded, disabled or handicapped Us veteran, his dependents, widow and orphans. Your Purple Heart car donation will be part of this fund and will withhold a worthy cause through the many programs and activities of the foundation. Among the many activities and free aid that the foundation provides its members and beneficiaries are the following:

o Providing for the needs of veterans and their house through the provision and processing of claims for compensation, curative care, schooling and other benefits

o Providing employment to the handicapped or the disabled; homes to the homeless

o Providing pro attorney representation to veterans in claiming their benefits or intelligent denied claims before the courts

o Providing services to veterans in rural and far-flung areas as well as providing schooling to veterans on their benefits and entitlements

o Providing scholarships, tuition assistance, free or subsidized training and schooling to mighty veterans and their spouses and to the handicapped or disadvantaged veteran children and orphans

o Providing representation to government, congress and other legislative agencies to promote veteran interests and issues

o Providing withhold to other associated programs such as disaster relief funds, programs against child sexual and corporal abuse, volunteer programs in veteran hospitals and nursing homes, scholarship programs for nurses, and many others

These are just some of the benefits a used car donation can do to this marginalized section of our society. through the Purple Heart Foundation, your car donation goes a long way in reaching out and changing other people's lives.

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