Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Fake "Mitt Romney" Endorses Ron Paul

Veterans Donations - Fake "Mitt Romney" Endorses Ron Paul.
The content is nice quality and helpful content, Which is new is that you simply never knew before that I know is that I even have discovered. Prior to the distinctive. It's now near to enter destination Fake "Mitt Romney" Endorses Ron Paul.

Do you know about - Fake "Mitt Romney" Endorses Ron Paul

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How is Fake "Mitt Romney" Endorses Ron Paul

Fake "Mitt Romney" Endorses Ron Paul Video Clips. Duration : 12.15 Mins.

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Veterans Donations . Watch to the END for a special announcement from Fake Mitt Romney. Please endorse Ron Paul ( and donate to Endorse Liberty ( so we can buy advertising and make more videos like this. Endorse Liberty is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. YouTube Video: "Fake Mitt Romney" Endorses Ron Paul 48 hours before Iowa Caucus DES MOINES, IOWA (January 2, 2012) A unique YouTube presentation titled "Fake Mitt Romney Endorses Ron Paul" has a spokesman named "Fake Mitt Romney". The presentation was produced by Endorse Liberty, a "Super PAC" supporting Ron Paul. The video is available at: The video begins with a costumed actor saying, "I am Fake Mitt Romney, which makes me remarkably like the real Mitt Romney... I took a break from picking up a check at Goldman Sachs to talk to you, America." He then asks viewers to skip the video, because they will most likely change their vote to Ron Paul after watching. "With the impersonation, we wanted to exaggerate Romney's most defining features" says Stephen Oskoui, Co-founder of Endorse Liberty. "Writing our script was easy, because the real Mitt Romney is as much an actor as the guy in our video. It seems like everything he says is filtered through focus groups. We also wanted to point out that Romney's top contributors are all banks like Goldman Sachs that took billions in bailouts from American taxpayers. Contrast that with Ron Paul's top contributors ...
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