Monday, July 23, 2012

Occupy Providence - Ms One Percent challenges Lady Gaga - get ur ass to Providence girlfriend

Veterans Donations - Occupy Providence - Ms One Percent challenges Lady Gaga - get ur ass to Providence girlfriend.
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Do you know about - Occupy Providence - Ms One Percent challenges Lady Gaga - get ur ass to Providence girlfriend

Veterans Donations ! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends. What I said. It is not outcome that the real about Veterans Donations . You check out this article for information on that need to know is Veterans Donations .

How is Occupy Providence - Ms One Percent challenges Lady Gaga - get ur ass to Providence girlfriend

Occupy Providence - Ms One Percent challenges Lady Gaga - get ur ass to Providence girlfriend Tube. Duration : 6.68 Mins.

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Veterans Donations . Providence, RI, USA. Updated 11-11-11 (A salute to all Veterans) Laurel Casey aka Ms One Percent aka Occupy Providence's Lady Gaga, today joined the OP Movement. Occupy Providence's Ms. One Percent issues a performance challenge to Lady Gaga who is supporting the Occupy Wall Street movement. Ms One Percent is representing her constituents, the very rich, Americans who are unrepresented in the OP movement. She met homeless teenagers who helped her setup her lux tent at Burnside Park. She offered to adopt an Irish boy she met. The Mayor gave her a welcome present to Providence, when one of his meter maids came from behind the bushes to give Ms. One Percent a parking ticket when her 30 minute time limit ran out. Yesterday, Wed. Oct 19, 2011, Lady Gaga and other celebrities gave their support to the Occupy Wall Street movement. Today in Providence, RI, Laurel Casey joins the Occupy Providence movement Mother nature tested the resolve of the movement occupying Burnside Park in Providence, RI. yesterday. It rained all day but the people took it as a blessing from Heaven and are now more resolved to stay for the harsh winter ahead. Donations of food and dry clothing arrived by the carload. The food working group was busy preparing healthy delicacies, worthy of a 5 star restaurant. We extent an invitation to the Johnson and Wales culinary students to come and help in the kitchen. Show us what you are learning. Providence RI, Oct 17, 2011 ...
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