Wednesday, July 18, 2012

One Woman's Thoughts on choice 2008 - Why I Love This single Race to the White House!

Veterans Donation - One Woman's Thoughts on choice 2008 - Why I Love This single Race to the White House!
The content is good quality and useful content, That is new is that you simply never knew before that I know is that I actually have discovered. Before the distinctive. It is now near to enter destination One Woman's Thoughts on choice 2008 - Why I Love This single Race to the White House!. And the content associated with Veterans Donation.

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Veterans Donation! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

This is a particularly enchanting year in politics. This is an opinion piece on politics.

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How is One Woman's Thoughts on choice 2008 - Why I Love This single Race to the White House!

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Veterans Donation.

It has been some years since America has seen such an historic and enchanting race to power, influence and a voice in American Politics. I am thrilled to see such compelling candidates and running mates in this match.

"In this corner we have Barack Obama and Joe Biden." Obama's affiliations and friendships have, at times, been risky and disturbing. A 20 year membership in a church that is rather radical, and sometimes downright hateful to whites. Obama serving as a Board Chairman on a committee started by William Ayers who bombed the Pentagon. A beautiful, intelligent, well educated wife who said this is the first time she is proud of America. (While as a woman, she was able to be educated in one of the most elite and costly educational institutions in America. Did she receive scholarships? If so, only in America!)

Then there's Joe Biden. The "white old guy" that Obama has repeatedly said is out of touch with America...when he refers to John McCain.

"Now, in this corner we have John McCain." The white older man who has served in the military, is more conservative and has proven leadership. His selection of a running mate is Governor Palin. Palin couldn't be a more fantastic choice! She is a strong, intelligent, educated woman who has earned her political career within her state. In the weeks that follow, we will learn more about her leadership ability.

I am a liberal in mental and a conservative in politics. Let me illustrate how this works. I believe in self responsibility and self determinism.

Less government is all the time better. If I look at how the government runs programs, I am afraid! I don't want national condition insurance. Take a look at the Veterans' condition and mental condition programs. Its embarrassing and unkind to the men and women who have served this country. Look at Medicaid, Medicare and Indian Health. Do people receive the best care in these programs? Look at Senator Ted Kennedy. How would he have faired with a brain tumor using only National condition Care? He absolutely would not have received the same potential of curative rehabilitation he experienced.

Helping people in need is an critical and generous part of being human! people truly in need must receive care from society. This can take the form of donations (Americans still are the single most generous people in the world), schools, individuals, religious groups, neighbors and some wee government programs. I Do object to con artists and people who can work taking money and services that they can earn themselves.

I don't like war. Who does? However, I realize leisure is never free. I appreciate the young and older men and women who ensure our safety. I know that the reduce of many American's has lead to the leisure and leadership of this great nation.

So, who will win this election? My hope is that mental men and women will put aside precedence and look at issues. Who can lead? Who will ensure America's leadership and safety? Who will prosper America? Who will lead our nation to great education? Who will make this world a safer place, the people of America richer and more self reliant, the families more responsible for the outcome of education, America independence on foreign energy and enhance America's world standing?

My vote is for greater self reliance and personel responsibility, less government, more opportunities, energy independence, wellness focus so we don't need as much "health care", parental involvement for great schooling and improved standing in the world.

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