Sunday, July 22, 2012

Troops march on the White House for Ron Paul

Veterans Donations - Troops march on the White House for Ron Paul.
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How is Troops march on the White House for Ron Paul

Troops march on the White House for Ron Paul Tube. Duration : 2.17 Mins.

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Veterans Donations . Ron Paul's consistently strong anti-war message is one that resonates with many US troops today. Hundreds of active duty troops, veterans and Paul supporters gathered at the Washington monument this afternoon. After a series of speeches, the group marched to the White house to show their solidarity and support for the Republican Presidential candidate. "I don't believe that we should be over in these other countries messing around," said one protester. "He wants to close the 900 overseas bases that we are funding at a very expensive rate that is bankrupting this country," said another. Paul, often considered a fringe candidate, is seldom taken seriously by the mainstream media. Despite vowing to cut the military budget, Federal Election Commission records show Paul gets more campaign donations from members of the military than any other presidential candidate, including President Obama. "The danger is really us overreacting, and we need a strong national defense and we need to only go to war with a declaration of war and not carelessly flouting it and starting these wars so often," Paul said at a GOP Presidential Debate. Sick of fighting seemingly never-ending wars overseas, soldiers that took part in the march say they are ready for radical change. The only hope for that, they say, is getting Paul into the White House. "Ron Paul seems to be the only person who is representing us instead of the Defense contractors and bankers," said a war veteran.
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