Thursday, July 19, 2012

Hello from Toronto - Presenting - 55 division - A lesson in society Policing in the Beach

Veterans Association Donations - Hello from Toronto - Presenting - 55 division - A lesson in society Policing in the Beach
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With the date for my photo exhibition rapidly approaching and the need to finalize my articles and get the photos ready, I had not planned to do any added interviews, but one assosication could not be missing from my narrative series about the Beach: Toronto Police assistance 55 Division, an assosication with whom all the special events organizers work regularly. In his words 55 agency is extremely supportive of the Beach and a very inescapable force in the community.

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How is Hello from Toronto - Presenting - 55 division - A lesson in society Policing in the Beach

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I hopped in my car to drive to Dundas and Coxwell Avenues to meet the officers at 55 Division. Gene introduced me to Superintendent Wayne Peden, the head of the middle point and after introducing the Celebrate Toronto project Superintendend Peden started to give me a general summary of 55 Division. He explained that the policing area of 55 agency extends from the Don River in the west and to Victoria Park Avenue in the east, and from Danforth Avenue in the north to Lake Ontario in the south.

Superintendent Peden added that the police play a requisite role in all the collective events in the Beach, together with the Beaches Jazz Festival, the Easter Parade and the Ashbridges Bay Fireworks. He used to work in this area in the 1980s and was just transferred back to this middle point last year. According to Superintendent Peden the Beach is a very safe area, with the main concerns being traffic and parking. He described the Beach as an excellent place to live and work. Many police offers want to work at this station, and Superintendent Peden enjoys his new location.

55 agency has about 235 employees together with front line officers, detectives and investigative offers as well as society response officers who work with the society to decree issues. Examples could consist of barking dogs, or driveway disputes, or teenagers that might be up to mischief. The idea is to decree issues before they become problems.

During big events 55 agency officers work with the organizing committees of the respective events to ensure that the festival or the parade are going to run smoothly with minimal inconvenience to the locals. During major events for example, all the main streets north and south of Queen road East have to be blocked off, and this is 55 Division's responsibility. Once the roads are closed, the organizers take over and handle things from there.

Superintendent Peden started to fill me in on some of the society issues that are going on in 55 Division: from volleyball programs for teenagers from at-risk communities to school safety and anti-bullying instruction programs, officers from 55 agency are complicated in a wide variety of society endeavours about which I would shortly learn more. The Superintendent added that his middle point has a very good working relationship with the society and the politicians in the area. 55 agency strives to provide a strong graphic proximity and to be recognized as an integral part of the community.

As he had to go, Superintendent Peden handed me over to Sergeant John Spanton who was going to elucidate things to me I more detail. He explained that there are any dissimilar units within 55 Division: a traditional Response Unit (Pru) that involves first line policing, accident call response and apprehension of criminals. In expanding society problems and outreach is handled by the society Response Unit (Cru). Sergeant Spanton added that the agency has one officer who is in fee of educational outreach in elementary schools; in expanding two full-time officers handle the liaison with local high schools.

One of the foremost mandates of the Toronto Police assistance is to encourage greater society integration. In expanding a concerted endeavor has been made to attract more graphic minorities and women into the police force. Sergeant Spanton explained that today many of the officers that are being hired are quite a bit older than what used to be the case in the past. The recruiting process takes life sense into consideration, and Toronto's demographic diversity is increasingly being reflected in the faces of the Toronto Police Service. A wide variety of dissimilar ethnic and cultural groups are represented within Sergeant Spanton's own team of officers. More officers with dissimilar language skills are being hired as well to be able to relate with the various immigrant groups that call Toronto their home.

Another officer joined us: Regina La Borde is a 15-year veteran with the Toronto Police Force and now a full-time Elementary School Liason Officer. After many years of front-line policing she has become a full-time teacher and crime arresting officer for 55 Division. Her curriculum includes topics such as traffic safety rules and not talking to strangers which are taught to children in junior and senior kindergarten. In Grade 2 safety and road proofing continues. Topics such as what to do when you get lost and telling your parents at all times where you are and what you are doing get covered. The curriculum for Grade 4 includes Internet safety and cyber-bullying. The belief of never talking to any strangers, even online, is emphasized as well.

In Grade 5 bullying becomes the key topic while drug awareness takes centre stage in Grade 6. Students learn about the dissimilar types of drugs, such as alcohol, marijuana, cocaine or ecstasy; they also get educated about the drugs' biochemical effects as well as about the legal consequences that can happen if they get complicated in drug use. In Grade 8 the focus is on youth violence and gangs to get ready students for what they might be facing in high school. Materials such as videotapes and Powerpoint presentations are used to elucidate the concepts, and the entire curriculum is presently being updated to reflect current realities.

Officer La Borde indicated that she does these teaching assignments in uniform and added that her job is very rewarding because at this age children are very open to learning, and they have a consistently inescapable image of the police.

Sergeant Spanton continued that police officers come out to local elementary schools in the agency to participate in fair days or fun days. society Response Unit officers make an appearance in uniform and give the children an occasion to explore the features of a police car and to get to know the officers. On various occasions children from dissimilar daycare services have a occasion to get a tour of the police station. All these functions are part of the collective outreach and instruction function of the police.

He went on to elucidate that two full-time officers in 55 agency are dedicated to the local high schools. They make an appearance at high school basketball games or swim meets, and often police officers participate in friendly competitions with the local high school sports teams. The children have a great time contentious against the officers, and it gives them a occasion to get to know the officers from a human point of view.

In elementary schools officers also offer bike safety courses and provide safety checks for the children's bikes, an additional one occasion to see the human side of the officers. The focus in elementary schools is on crime arresting and pro-activeness while in high school the police officers' role becomes more reactive and focused on instruction and enforcement.

Sergeant Spanton also explained that in expanding to the Cru (Community Response Unit) officers there are traditional Response Unit officers who handle accident calls and apprehend criminals. A full-time Crime arresting Officer interacts with local store owners and residents about how to safety-proof homes and businesses. A society Relations Officer looks after seniors and mentally ill individuals. These officers often become the liaison man with other collective assistance agencies or local hospitals.

Sergeant Spanton himself supervises a society Response Unit team, and in the winter he has eight officers reporting to him while the estimate goes up to ten officers in the summer. He also attends supervision meetings to identify question areas in the agency which will then be taken into catalogue in the deployment of manpower. special events and crime "hot spots" are determined in the budget of resources. The officers' hours are changed depending on the problems that may arise in the community. In the spring as daylight gets longer, work hours for many officers are changed to go from 4 pm to 2 am.

He also explained that many officers walk the beat in the Beach all year round. They start at Lee and Queen and talk to store owners about crime and safety. When the weather gets nice any officers are deployed on bicycles to patrol the green spaces and parklands close to the waterfront to ensure that the general collective is safe in these beloved recreational spaces. The "Parks Project" for example is intended to provide police proximity in the outdoor recreational areas and to deal with groups of teenagers that might assemble in the evenings which occasionally may lead to trouble.

A graphic police proximity discourages these crowds from gathering, and the officers educate and encourage the youth to disperse when it gets dark to preclude issues from happening. As a result, single women going jogging can feel quite feel safe and collect when they select to work out in these areas, and a consistent police proximity goes a long way towards ensuring collective safety. Sergeant Spanton emphasized that the Beach gets the assistance it gets because it is receptive to the police. He added "we are here to help".

The entire philosophy of the Toronto Police assistance is heavily focused on community-oriented policing which is a estimate one priority. The collective should understand that the police are accessible and available, and what makes 55 agency unique is that the society takes full benefit of the services offered by the police.

Staff Sergeant Steve Tracy explained some added concepts to me. He indicated that the officers in fee of the high school programs also run the Esp Program: a Toronto-wide initiative, the Empowered pupil Partnership schedule is a peer mentoring schedule where students plan, produce and execute a year-long safe schools initiative in their local schools and communities. They are empowered to take the requisite actions to solve issues definite to their school and are able to utilize programs or guest speakers that are available to them straight through the Police Coordinator at society Programs, Youth Services.

One foremost corporate partner of the Toronto Police assistance is Tim Horton's which has created a so-called "Earn A Bike" program, targeted at children between ages 12 and 15. In return for providing 30 hours of supervised society service, children who would not otherwise be able to afford a bike participate in park cleanups, graffiti eradication and other society based programs. In the process they gain a totally new understanding of the role of the police as well as a new perspective on mischief such as graffiti. At the end of the schedule these children are presented with a bike and a helmet by Tim Horton's, and last year 14 children in 55 agency had an occasion to participate in this program. Staff Sergeant Tracy says that "small things like this can have a big impact on the community".

He also explained that 55 agency has an auxiliary police schedule that encompasses volunteer police officers that often help with crowd control During special events like the Toronto International Beaches Jazz Festival or the Taste of the Danforth. These are trained civilian volunteers, outfitted in uniforms that are similar to those of full-fledged police officers, and they are trained in civilian authority and basic use of force. Their equipment includes a baton and handcuffs, and their main role is to support with society events.

Events like the Beaches Jazz Festival that attract large crowds need a large uniformed proximity to provide for safety and collective confidence. Auxiliary police officers also help to find missing children During special events; in expanding they support with society outreach and crime arresting and play a requisite role in supporting the police force which, like any other city department, is facing exiguous resources.

Community mobilization is also an foremost objective of the Toronto Police Service. With an 0 million budget the Police Force is extremely accountable to local taxpayers, and a two-year firm plan lays out the service's priorities for the next two years. society mobilization also encompasses turning society Response Unit officers into "long-term question solvers" dealing with question addresses, neighbhourhood disputes, noise complaints or other society problems that do not have an immediate fix.

Staff Sergeant Steve Tracy explains that question addresses often have some criminal element linked with them, for example drugs might be at the root of the problem. But there are also other stakeholders involved, for example a negligent landlord. The question address might sway collective Services, the agency of collective Health, Bylaw promulgation or the Fire Department, and might need a holistic clarification in order to solve the problem. Cases like these are not just a police issue. The police's role is to involve the various stakeholders to get the question fixed. Simple examples of society mobilization consist of Neighbourhood Watch programs where the neighbourhood starts to solve its own problems. The Police Services simply do not have adequate resources to handle all issues, and it becomes requisite to mobilize the society and involve them in the question solving process.

We also touched on the role of the Cplcs: the Toronto-wide society Police Liaison Committees are made up of society volunteers and police assistance representatives from each division. Each committee is intended to reflect the demographics of the local society to work together in identifying, prioritizing and problem-solving of local policing issues. The Cplcs accomplish this by being proactive in society relations, crime prevention, education, mobilization and communications initiatives, and by acting as a resource to the police and the community.

In the Beach, for example, the society Police Liaison Committee would have representatives from the main firm correction areas as well as major event promoters and quarterly citizens. This gives all the stakeholders a occasion to hear one another's voice, and Staff Sergeant Tracy adds that at 55 agency the Cplc works extremely well. Resources, ideas and information are shared for the benefit of the entire community. The society Police Liaison Committee also has a Youth Scholarship Fund where money is raised for bursaries that go to local high school students. The entire society is working together to make the neighbourhood a better place.

Individual police stations participate in a variety of corporate initiatives, and many initiatives are the results of partnerships with the community. Basketball and volleyball programs, for example, are funded by ProAction Cops and Kids, a non-profit assosication designed to provide funding for programs targeted at at-risk youth. These programs are designed for youth between 11 and 18 years of age and allow police officers and at-risk youth to interact in constructive, non-confrontational circumstances to produce a better understanding of one another. Programs encompass arts, sports, education, safety, mentorship and camping, and to get a better understanding of ProAction's role in the Beach society I had a occasion to talk to Police Constable Lisa Cowling.

Together with Police Constable Troy Lashley, Pc Lisa Cowling created a beach volleyball schedule for children at risk. In the summer of 2006, 18 male and 20 female students aged 11 to 16 years old were prime from two dissimilar society centres, and they would take turns coming down to Ashbridges Bay on a Wednesday evening to learn how to play beach volleyball. ProAction provided the funding for nets, balls and refreshments, and every evening would be capped off with a barbecue. Police Constable Cowling explained that the participants were taught the basic skills of the beach volleyball, but also other concepts such as camaraderie, teamwork, honesty and fairness.

Many of these children had never had an occasion to spend much time at Toronto's waterfront, and this was also an ideal way of getting to know police officers on a human level. The officers would be running the schedule in plain clothes, and by the end of the schedule real friendships had developed. On the final day of the program, a big barbecue was held for the two groups from the dissimilar society centres, and two pro Beach volleyball players came out and played games with the kids. Fred Koops, owner of local beach volleyball outfitter Overkill designed and donated t-shirts for the children. This coming year, other police divisions will be invited to select their own at-risk youth to participate in the schedule and the schedule will be expanded.

My visit to 55 agency was capped off with a guided tour straight through the installation by Pc Cowling. She showed me the entire three levels of the building, together with the holding cells for men, women and teenagers.

This afternoon had been a intelligent lesson in policing, and my eyes were truly opened to the broad range of inescapable roles that the police play in the community. The motto of the Toronto Police assistance "To serve and Protect" is right on being put into operation in the Beach.

This entire narrative together with images can be found at

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