Friday, July 20, 2012

The Battle Of Leyte Gulf - The Story of Claude Gasio - WWII

Veterans Donations - The Battle Of Leyte Gulf - The Story of Claude Gasio - WWII.
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Do you know about - The Battle Of Leyte Gulf - The Story of Claude Gasio - WWII

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How is The Battle Of Leyte Gulf - The Story of Claude Gasio - WWII

The Battle Of Leyte Gulf - The Story of Claude Gasio - WWII Tube. Duration : 7.45 Mins.

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Veterans Donations . A decorated WWII veteran, Claude Gasio recounts his memories of the longest naval engagement in US History - The Battle Of Leyte Gulf. He tells the story of the greatly outnumbered and outgunned naval task force that prevailed against all odds to defend their position and fulfill their part to ensure victory in the South Pacific in World War II. Claude Gasio retired in Fresno, California where he is now active in providing for the needs of our US Veterans in the Fresno Veterans' Hospital. Gasio is a decorated member of the Military Order of The Purple Heart and has taken on the task of soliciting and assembling gift packages of essentials and "care packages" throughout the year for many of the 'forgotten' veterans who live at the Veterans Hospital. He welcomes any help or donations in support of our veterans and he can be reached at the following: Please note: Your donations and contributions are tax deductible and help a very worthy cause ....our veterans.
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