Saturday, June 23, 2012

Regardless of Corporate Media Blackout "Occupy Wall Street" Turns Nationwide

Veterans Donations - Regardless of Corporate Media Blackout "Occupy Wall Street" Turns Nationwide.
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How is Regardless of Corporate Media Blackout "Occupy Wall Street" Turns Nationwide

Regardless of Corporate Media Blackout "Occupy Wall Street" Turns Nationwide Video Clips. Duration : 4.78 Mins.

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Veterans Donations . Among those part of and concerned with the Occupy Wall Street movement, it's very common to hear complaints about the lack of mainstream media coverage. There's even a sign at the occupation's media center that says, "Welcome to the media blackout." To a large extent, the blackout is real. Online, there have been accusations of outright censorship. Yahoo has admitted to "not intentional" blocking of emails with links to, blaming their spam filter. (This excuse is not widely believed, but plausible—I've seen the site trigger non-Yahoo spam filters as well.) Twitter has similarly blocked #occupywallstreet from being listed as a trending topic. (This may be because it keeps being throttled by Anonymous bots—or, more conspiratorially, because a considerable stake in the company is owned by JPMorgan Chase, which also just donated .5 million to the NYPD.) Really, though, what do you expect? Resistance movements should not count on coverage by establishment news outlets, much less favorable coverage. Mainstream media are usually a part of a movement's opponent, and they certainly are in this case. The movement's job, then, is to make its actions so irresistible that the media have to cover it, despite themselves. In an instructive essay about her experience doing media relations during the fight for civil rights in the 1960s, Mary King writes: Attentive news coverage can never be taken for granted or assumed. It must be won. Gaining the attention of the news ...
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