Thursday, May 24, 2012

Which Promises Has Obama Not Kept?

Veterans Donations - Which Promises Has Obama Not Kept?
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In celebration of Obama's first 100 days in office, published a series, "The Obameter: Tracking Obama's Campaign Promises."  The site compiles 514 promises Obama made during the campaign and tracks his daily strengthen in fulfilling them.  PolitiFact assigns each promise one of the following outcomes: Kept, Compromise, Broken, Stalled, In the Works, No Action, and Yes We Can (just kidding on the last one).  They also recognize his "Top 25" most important promises.

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How is Which Promises Has Obama Not Kept?

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Veterans Donations.

This seems like such an even-handed, nonpartisan way to value Obama, one we can all agree on.  Indeed, as of Day 96, PolitiFact, the St. Petersburg Times-housed, Pulitzer Prize-winning site, lists only 5% of Obama's promises as Kept, 12% as In the Works, and 79% as No Action.

It's interesting, however, that for PolitiFact, the baseline for success is whether Obama keeps his promises.  The assumption is that his promises are worth keeping.  As Obama said, "You can't just listen to Rush Limbaugh and get things done."

A best way to track Obama's performance might be to first classify his threats-er, promises-into three categories: Harmful, Inoffensive, and Worthy.  By this system, I decree that 15 out of 25, or 60%, of Obama's Top 25 promises are Harmful, 24% are Inoffensive, and 16% are Worthy.  Off to a great start!

Second, let's give Obama 1 point for every Worthy promise he's kept, a ½ point for every one that's compromised, stalled, or in the works, and 0 points for every one that's broken or not acted on.  Give him 0 points for every Harmful promise, no matter what stage it's in, except let's give him a ½ point for every Harmful promise he's broken, because he might just have been appeasing his base during the campaign (though he still loses reputation for scaring us).  harmless promises get no points.

And now, PolitiFact's Top 25 Obama Promises, deconstructed and scored by me:

1. Originate a foreclosure prevention fund for homeowners; or, "Pour billion over Niagara Falls."  Harmful/Kept: 0.

2. Originate a tax reputation of 0 for workers. If he had made it 0,000, he might have captured my interest.  Inoffensive/Compromise: 0.

3. Repeal the Bush tax cuts for higher incomes; or, "Decrease incentives to work and engage in entrepreneurship; increase income non-reporting and tax loophole exploitation."  Harmful/In the Works: 0.

4. Originate a National health guarnatee Exchange. I'm allergic to any campaign promise with that many capital letters.  Harmful/No Action: 0.

5. Need children to have health guarnatee coverage; or, "Drive up the costs of health guarnatee and supply cover for the government to step in and start rationing."  Harmful/No Action: 0.

6. Spend in electronic health data systems; or, "Do what hospitals and clinics are already doing, but less efficiently and at greater cost."  Harmful/In the Works: 0.

7. Fully fund the Veterans Administration. Gee, this doesn't have anyone to do with rubbing it in Bush's face over those rats they found in the Va a merge of years ago, does it?  Worthy/No Action: 0.

8. Begin removing combat brigades from Iraq; or, "See if we can lose the war just as we're crossing the cease line."  Harmful/In the Works: 0.

9. Send two added brigades to Afghanistan. Worthy/Kept: 1.

10. End the use of torture. First, we don't torture.  So Obama's promise is to stop splashing water on terrorists.  Harmful/In the Works: 0.

11. Close the Guantanamo Bay Detention Center. This was never unquestionably fulfillable, because there is no sane selection for what to do with the detainees that would be proper to anyone but the Aclu.  Harmful/In the Works (supposedly): 0.

12. End warrantless wiretaps; or, "Shoot ourselves in the collective eardrum."  Harmful/No Action: 0.

13. Seek verifiable reductions in nuclear stockpiles. Any state we don't trust will, by definition, not negotiate with us to reduce their stockpiles or halt actions to invent nuclear weapons.  Harmful/No Action: 0.

14. Centralize ethics and lobbying data for voters. Sort of like the database Obama created to document contributions made by supporters, in order to ensure foreign nationals were not development donations-oh, wait...  Inoffensive/No Action: 0.

15. Need more disclosure and a waiting duration for earmarks. Earmarks make up but an infinitesimal fraction of government spending.  Inoffensive/No Action: 0.

16. Tougher rules against revolving door for lobbyists and former officials. Worthy/Broken: 0.

17. Acquire the borders.  Obama will support "additional personnel, infrastructure and technology on the border and at our ports of entry." This is too vague to mean anyone one way or the other.  Inoffensive/In the Works: 0.

18. supply a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants. Lovely, but this isn't in any place near the Top 25 issues we face.  Inoffensive/No Action: 0.

19. Reform mandatory minimum sentences. A real liberal would have the guts to talk about decriminalizing drug use, as some libertarian Republicans have.  Worthy/No Action: 0.

20. Acquire nuclear weapons materials in four years. See "reduction in stockpiles."  Any country that would comply is not a threat.  Inoffensive/No Action: 0.

21. strengthen antitrust enforcement; or, "Stop the next Microsoft before it floods the store with reasonable technological advancements that make everyone's life better."  Harmful/No Action: 0.

22. Originate new financial regulations; or, "Make sure every new American firm sets up shop in London, Hong Kong, or Singapore."  Harmful/In the Works: 0.

23. Originate 5 million "green" jobs; or, "Be ready to fight the next round of global cooling after the current round of global warming is over."  Harmful/In the Works: 0.

24. reduce oil consumption by 35 percent by 2030; or, "Encourage caveman chic."  Harmful/No Action: 0.

25. Originate cap and trade law with interim goals to reduce global warming; or, "Make Al Gore give up 80% of his Suv fleet by the time his grandchildren are old sufficient to drive."  Harmful/In the Works: 0.

Total score: 1 point out of a maximum of 25, or 4%.  Congratulations, Obama!  I believe that is what's known in high school as an "F minus minus minus."

Obama didn't even get any half-points for breaking any of his harmful promises.  And here, under my system, he could have scored a 30% just by abandoning every one of his rotten ideas.

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