Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Rss Feeds in 2008 Candidates Websites Might Reach 75 Million Voters

Veterans Donation - Rss Feeds in 2008 Candidates Websites Might Reach 75 Million Voters
The content is nice quality and useful content, Which is new is that you simply never knew before that I know is that I actually have discovered. Prior to the unique. It's now near to enter destination Rss Feeds in 2008 Candidates Websites Might Reach 75 Million Voters. And the content related to Veterans Donation.

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Veterans Donation! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

75 Million Votes Up For Grabs

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How is Rss Feeds in 2008 Candidates Websites Might Reach 75 Million Voters

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Veterans Donation.

As a small media outlet focused on entrepreneurs and small businesses My Success Gateway, Llc wanted to interview some of the 2008 presidential candidates for our small media outlet web site My Success Gateway, Llc to learn the candidates positions on small businesses. I contacted the big six candidates, Mitt Romney, Rudy Giuliani, John McCain, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and John Edwards.

If the way the candidates are running their web site businesses is any indication of how they will be running our country in 2008 we are in deep trouble. The first problem is that some of the candidates cannot distinguish between a "small media" inquiry and a inherent voter. They All want our donations which is hard currency and they want our votes.

This is where the big problem lies. Try and find any information on the candidates web sites about Us Small Businesses, there are only 25,000,000 of them in the United States employing 51% of the work force and providing colossal receipts to the Treasury in terms of tax wage funding things like the War in Iraq. Try and find anyone about senior citizens issues or medicare or the cost of prescribe drugs, you will not see it. The good news is we did find 3 mentions about our veterans on McCain's, Obama's and Clinton's web sites.

John Edwards was on the small business committee when he was in the Senate but right now he seems to is concentrating his efforts on poverty. Mitt Romney was a small business owner and moved to large business. McCain's camp did say that there was a possibility for an interview which would be great and we will see if it undoubtedly materializes and he wants to address the 25 Million small businesses by doing an interview with one of them.

Working with Eric Graham a web site conversion expert we produced a Webinar and reviewed the big six candidate web sites. We were finding for solutions from the candidates as opposed to issues. We were also finding for information on three key groups of citizen and how the candidates addressed them: Small Businesses, Senior Citizens and Veterans. All three groups add up to over 75 million voters. We understanding that the candidates would have some information on these key groups in their web sites. We understanding wrong. You will not find much at all. There appears to be a lot of empty suits or web sites all request for money and votes, not much else.

The clarification for the candidates, the media and the American group is this. The candidates put all of their "issues" into an Rss feed going out of their web sites. Next to the "issues" are their positions and Solutions. Each time they go on the campaign trail they update this article framework and make it available to the different folks who subscribe to the Rss feeds. I'd like to put this challenge out there to all candidates to come up with a top 25 issues/solutions to put into their Rss feeds.

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