Monday, June 4, 2012

Thom Hartmann: Why Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas must be impeached

Veterans Donations - Thom Hartmann: Why Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas must be impeached.
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How is Thom Hartmann: Why Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas must be impeached

Thom Hartmann: Why Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas must be impeached Tube. Duration : 9.92 Mins.

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Veterans Donations . TJ McCormack, Conservative Commentator/Fox News Contributor joins Thom Hartmann. The New York Times reported last week that Justice Thomas is happily accepting generous favors from right-wing millionaire Harlan Crowe of Trammel Crowe construction fame and fortune. Along with giving millions of dollars to the Republican Party and right-wing hit groups like Swift Boat Veterans for Truth - Harlan Crowe has also lavished Justice Thomas with tens of thousands of dollars in gifts including a 000 bible that once belonged to Frederick Douglass. Crowe also cut Justice Thomas' wife a half million-dollar check so that she could start her own Tea Party lobbying firm dedicated to repealing Obamacare - a case that her husband will likely decide when the Supreme Court determines the constitutionality of the health reform law in the coming months. So we can now add this misdeed to the laundry list of bad behavior by Justice Thomas - from unethical fundraising - to not disclosing his wife's right-wing income - to obvious conflicts of interest on the bench - all of which are clear violations of the federal code of conduct for judges. The remarkable thing about this story is that what Clarence Thomas is doing on the bench is far worse than what other Justices have been forced to resign for doing. Case in point - Judge Abe Fortas - an Associate Justice on the Supreme Court who was nominated by Lyndon Johnson to be the Chief Justice in 1968. But after it was uncovered that Fortas received ...
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