Monday, June 18, 2012

Fox News Vigorously SupportsTorture. Is it Anti-American?

Veterans Donations - Fox News Vigorously SupportsTorture. Is it Anti-American?.
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Do you know about - Fox News Vigorously SupportsTorture. Is it Anti-American?

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How is Fox News Vigorously SupportsTorture. Is it Anti-American?

Fox News Vigorously SupportsTorture. Is it Anti-American? Tube. Duration : 1.80 Mins.

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Veterans Donations . Right-wing Fox mouth Sean Hannity said he supports "enhanced interrogation" techniques like waterboarding, and has offered to undergo the grueling procedure for charity. "Are you busy on Sunday?" guest Charles Grodin asked yesterday. Hannity responded: "I'll do it for charity. I'll let you do it." But he lied. Nothing happened for weeks. Many offers, but he is very afraid of torture he vigorously defends.Huffington Post columnist Jason Linkins called it a "golden moment" in media history. Donations are already being pledged on Daily Kos. But nothing happening. Fox News Again And Again Defends Bush Administrations Use Of Torture the Obama administration released four Bush-era memos that provide legal justifications for the use of torture on al-Qaeda suspects. "We have been through a dark and painful chapter in our history," President Obama said in a statement on the memos. "The United States is a nation of laws...that is why we have taken steps to ensure that the actions described within [the memos] never take place again." As if on cue, Fox News hosts and personalities attacked Obama for releasing the memos while at the same time, defended the use of torture. "It's not a dark chapter in our history. It's a successful one," Charles Krauthammer proclaimed. Conceding that waterboarding is torture, Krauthammer said that it should be used anyway in the so-called "ticking time-bomb" scenario and against "high-level al-Qaeda." Many of his Fox colleagues have since piled on: BILL ...
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